Release History

snapshot in CVS
0.7.3 07-Mar-2008
0.7.2 29-Nov-2007
0.7.1 08-Nov-2007
0.7.0 20-Sep-2007
0.6.0 26-Jun-2007
0.5.6 11-May-2007
0.5.5 20-Mar-2007
0.5.4 20-Dec-2006
0.5.3 03-Nov-2006
0.5.2 04-Oct-2006
0.5.1 07-Sep-2006
0.5.0 21-Jul-2006
0.4.2 05-Jul-2006
0.4.1 27-Apr-2006
0.4.0 20-Apr-2006
0.3.7 31-Mar-2006
0.3.6 09-Mar-2006
0.3.5 03-Feb-2006
0.3.4 23-Jan-2006
0.3.3 19-Jan-2006
0.3.2 10-Jan-2006
0.3.1 21-Dec-2005
0.3.0 07-Dec-2005
0.2.2 14-Oct-2005
0.2.1 27-Sep-2005
0.2.0 10-Sep-2005
0.1.6 12-Aug-2005
0.1.5 01-Aug-2005
0.1.4 14-Jul-2005
0.1.3 11-Jul-2005
0.1.2 08-Jul-2005
0.1.1 28-Jun-2005

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Release snapshot - in CVS

update BPMO Modeller feature request [ 1884691] : A new auto-resizing strategy extends the shape to visualize the whole text and tries not to split the text into more than 3 lines. alex_simov
fix BPMO Modeller: Element position correcting function implemented to avoid figures overlapping. Fixes also 1892409and 1894354. Fixes 1884680. alex_simov
update BPMO Modeller: improved error reporting before saving the diagram in BPMO. The first (in case of several) detected problematic node is selected in the editor diagram. alex_simov
update BPMO Modeller: 'Save as' operation not supported any more (preventing inconsistencies in the WSMO4J model) alex_simov
update BPMO Modeller: a new 'Reset layout' functionality implemented, allowing rearranging of the components layout of the whole diagram or only of selected part of it. alex_simov

Release 0.7.3 - 07-Mar-2008

update BPMO Modeller: BPMO-API 1.4 is integrated in the environment. alex_simov
update BPMO Modeller: Sequence block -patterns added explicitly to the palette and automatic sequences detection are not performed any more. alex_simov
add BPMO Modeller: Copy/Paste of single diagram objects implemented. alex_simov
add Imported ontologies policies in the GUI added (automatic load, prompt before loading, and ignoring them). The behavior is user controlled by preference options. alex_simov
update WSMO to RDF export (based on ORDI 0.5) added in a wizard style. alex_simov
update ORDI repository temporarily removed from WSMO Studio distributions. alex_simov
add Feature request [ 1748254] : Added validation of imported ontology sections.This feature request is implemented as an option (Validate Imports) in the main preferences page of WSMO Studio. alex_simov
fix WSML2Reasoner Adapter: all imported ontologies (accessible in the workspace) are registered in the reasoner framework. Fixes 1747135. mihail-ik

Release 0.7.2 - 29-Nov-2007

update Feature request [ 1833053] : Attributes domain can easily be changed either from the Attribute editor or by using Drag & Drop in the WSMO Navigator. alex_simov
update BPMO Modeller updates:

  • BPMO Properties view update (new images, new content representation)
  • new preferences page for the modeller (general options apart from the diagram coloring)
  • new property for ReceiveMessageEvent and SendMessageEvent: hasData (range: instances and data values)
  • new property for TimerEvent: hasTimer (range: _datetime)
fix BPMO Modeller bugfixes:

  • dataflow connectors were not created properly
  • blockpatterns in blockpatterns not serialized properly
  • editing BPMO properties didn ' t mark the editor diagram as modified (disabling the Save option)
  • sequence flow not generated properly (in automatic detection of Sequence blockpatterns)

Release 0.7.1 - 08-Nov-2007

add BPMO Modeller: the user can control the result WSML generation by specifying a namespace in a WSMO Studio preferences page. alex_simov
add BPMO Modeller: new extension point introduced offering extension plug-ins to contribute operations over the BPMO diagram elements. The extension point specification is available at: alex_simov
update BPMO Modeller: more business process properties included in the BPMO Properties view component ( Business Plan, Business Domain, Business Function, etc.). The appearance of the view content improved as well. alex_simov

Release 0.7.0 - 20-Sep-2007

update Update to Eclipse 3.3 alex_simov
add BPMO editor - added s upport for all BPMO 1.2 elements: expandable sub-processes, intermediate events, tasks, dataflow connectors, etc. alex_simov
update BPMO editor - serialises BPMO models in WSML (plus an additional XML file for the the UI layout of the diagram). alex_simov
add BPMO editor - EPC process models (serialised in EPML) can be imported into BPMO. lcekov
add BPMO editor - export of a BPMO diagram to PNG, JPG or BMP lcekov
update BPMO editor - changed default colours of the diagram elements (see screenshot) alex_simov
update BPMO editor - diagram links are now "Manhattan" style (see screenshot) alex_simov
update Non functional properties view: the editor handles long text values by supporting multi-line ui components. alex_simov
update WSMO Navigator: a tooltip showing the dc:description property of the wsmo entities is supported ( SF 1748272) alex_simov
add WSMO editor - editors for various WSMO elements (ontologies, concepts, instances, relations) can be activated from any view ( SF 1751326) alex_simov
fix WSMO editor - super/sub concepts and relations from different ontologies are now prefixed wit h the proper namespace alex_simov

Release 0.6.0 - 26-Jun-2007

add IRIS, a WSML-Flight reasoner, integrated into WSMO Studio mihail-ik
add Semantic Business Process editor, based on the Business Process Modelling Ontology (BPMO). A Flash demois also available. alex_simov
add WSMX repository adapter for WSMO Studio lcekov

Release 0.5.6 - 11-May-2007

update Feature request [ 1670630] : SAWSDL and WSDL namespaces are updated according to the latest SAWSL draft. alex_simov
add Feature request [ 1654111] : Find entity functionality (including wildcards support) added in WSMO Navigator and WSMO Explorer (see Users Guide for details) alex_simov
add Feature request [ 1690763] : WSML-DL querying GUI added in WSMO Navigator, allowing evaluation of restricted entailment checks against a certain ontology. More information is available at: alex_simov
add Feature request [ 1690763] : WSML-Flight ontology query interface (see Users Guide for details) alex_simov
update WSML Reasoner adapter: errors (if such are detected) are shown in the GUI (except for DL reasoner) when checking ontology consistency. alex_simov
update Users Guide updated marin_dimitrov
fix The OS X distributions and installers are now working properly lcekov
update Migration to the latest wsmo4j (Java 5 syntax) alex_simov

Release 0.5.5 - 20-Mar-2007

add Feature request [ 1654102] : Entity renaming functionality added in WSMO Navigator alex_simov
update Feature request [ 1654101] : The improved 'New attribute' dialog now allows setting a range (concept or data) type. alex_simov
update Feature request [ 1493521] : The WSMO Navigator visualizes the attributes of the concepts. Additionally, they can be edited or removed via context menu actions. alex_simov
update Feature request [ 1665303] : new line characters are filtered from the content in non-editable field s. alex_simov
update Feature request [ 1654099] : Drag & Drop added in the hierarchy of the WSMO Navigator allowing local transformations. alex_simov
fix The NFP editor shows property names as: namespace_prefix: local name(if a suitable namespece is defined). System NFPs (having wsmostudio prefix) are read-only and coloured differently Fixes 1663285. alex_simov
fix bugfix: namespace prefixes which are WSML keywords are rejected alex_simov
add Feature request [ 1654112] : WSMO Navigator preserves its tree expansion state when the user switches between editors. alex_simov
fix The WSMO Text editor synchronizes the wsmo object model automatically with the other editors (if possible) or issues a warning message otherwise. Fixes 1312971. alex_simov

Release 0.5.4 - 20-Dec-2006

add WSMO Navigator [RFE: #1618723 ] : "Expand Subtree" action added in the context menu of WSMO Navigator for expandable objects (nodes with visible sub-content). alex_simov
add WSMO Studio marks the (top)entities created or modified by it with a reserved nfp ( wsmostudio#version) holding its current version. alex_simov
update WSMO Studio is based now on Eclipse/RCP version 3.2.1 alex_simov
fix NFP Editor: modifying NFP datatype values did not raise dirty flag to true, loosing the changes during update. alex_simov
fix Inherited attributes (from superclasses) are now displayed in the attribute pane of the concept editor. Fixes 1599632. alex_simov
update WSMO Text Editor: keywords list enriched with ADO/cashew terminology. alex_simov
fix Bugfix - Anonymous postconditions were duplicated. Fixes 1598407. alex_simov
fix SAWSDL editor: any WSMO element with an identifier can be attached as a modelRef (in the previous release only concepts could be attached as modelRefs). Fixes 1592191. alex_simov

Release 0.5.3 - 03-Nov-2006

fix The integrated PDF Users Guide is now converted in HTML format, making it visible under Lunix as well. Fixes 1578848. alex_simov
add RFE [1588567 ] : Workspace Locator added - this will lead to decreased number of spurious warnings from the WSML Validator (for referenced elements that were not already loaded). alex_simov
add Syntax highlighting for the SAWSDL text editor ( screenshot). alex_simov
fix The mappings between WSDL elements and WSMO elements were not sorted in any order (SAWSDL editor UI). Fixes 1584391. alex_simov
fix Bugfix - concepts from imported ontologies were not populated in some UI components. Fixes 1585802. alex_simov

Release 0.5.2 - 04-Oct-2006

update SAWSDL Editor improv ed to support interface faultelements. alex_simov
add WSMO WebServices discovery component added to the Repository Perspective. The current implementation uses the EPFL QoS discovery engine. mihail-ik
update Extension point org.wsmostudio.repository.actions(Repository Action) has been updated: explicit repository type is no longer required, allowing generic actions to be contributed. Backward compatibility is preserved. alex_simov

Release 0.5.1 - 07-Sep-2006

add added OWL-DL export (via the WSML2Reasoner framework). alex_simov
add PelletOWL-DL reasoner implementation integrated via the WSML 2 Reasonerframework. alex_simov
fix Fixed problems with importing OWL ontologies. Fixes 1541977. alex_simov
add Printing support (RFE 1505406) alex_simov
fix Context menus activation from the keyboard is now working properly. Fixes 1531709. alex_simov

Release 0.5.0 - 21-Jul-2006

update WSMO Studio ported to Eclipse 3.2(RFE 1521757). alex_simov
fix Fixed the problem with empty dialogs in Linux. Fixes 1484820. alex_simov
fix Fixed WSML Reasoner plu gin (reasoner used old wsmo4j version). Fixes 1521761. alex_simov
add WSDL 1.1 support for the SAWSDL editor mihail-ik
add A documentation plug-in added giving access to the WSMO Studio Users Guide via Eclipse's help system. alex_simov
add Active workspace can now be changed from within WSMO Studio (RFE 1521758). alex_simov

Release 0.4.2 - 05-Jul-2006

add WSDL-S/ SAWSDLeditor added to WSMO Studio ( screenshot) alex_simov
add WSMO Studio GUI installeris now available for Windows, Linux and OS X. The user may choose which WSMO Studio components and 3 rdparty plug-ins will be installed mihail-ik
update WSMO Editors: MVC architecture improved with pre/post save model notification, allowing editor components to synchronize their internal state with the main model if it is needed. alex_simov
fix Mediator Editor: the UI prevents recursive references from Source/Target to the currently editted mediator. alex_simov
add Problems View: Clear Errors action added to remove WSMO-related error/warning/info messages from the list. alex_simov
add RFE[1481126 ] : The wsmo4j RDF parser is integrated in the WSMO Studio as an Import RDF wizard. alex_simov

Release 0.4.1 - 27-Apr-2006

fix The missing GEF libraries are now added to the full distributions (required by the INFRAWEBS Axiom Editor plug-in). Fixes 1477513. vassil_momtchev

Release 0.4.0 - 20-Apr-2006

fix The ORDI repository adapter plug-in is again included in the WSMO Studio distribution (it was missing since version 0.3.6 due to incompatibility with the latest WSMO API / wsmo4j). vassil_momtchev
update Choreography Editor: The component is now capable to handle choreographies without State Signature and/or Rules container. Additionally it supports creating them via context menus. alex_simov
add WSMO UI: New context menu actions added in WSMO Navigator for choreographies:
  • Create State Signature
  • Remove State Signature
  • Create Rules Container
  • Remove Rules
Rules container is now represented as a separate node in the tree structure.
add Repository UI: New context menu action (View ...) added for repository manager component. It enables retrieving WSMO objects and opening them in a corresponding editor without the necessity they to be stored in the workspace in the meantime. alex_simov
add New WSMO wizards (RFE 1418614): The wizards now offer auto-generated filenames on the base of input WSMO Identifiers. alex_simov
fix WSMO UI: The identifier input dialog uses additional checks to reject invalid inputs for IRIs. Fixes 1466316. alex_simov
update Instance Editor (RFE 1465742): Attribute chooser offers only relevant for the context attributes on setting new values. alex_simov
add WSMO Navigator ( RFE 1465647): Ontology statistics action added to the context menu of WSMO Navigator. This feature is also available as a context menu action in WSMO choosers showing ontologies. alex_simov
fix Repository manager: runtime exceptions from the working repository were not handled correctly which made the GUI inconsistent with the actual repository content. Fixes 1465784. alex_simov

Release 0.3.7 - 31-Mar-2006

add WSML Reasoner: A new preference page (accessible via menu: Window/Preferences...) supplied for specifying the reasoner's implementation (KAON2, MINS - depending on the installed configuration) to be used for ontology consistency checking. alex_simov
remove WSML Reasoner: The reasoner modules (KAON2 or MINS) are no longed bundled with the standalone distribution and should be downloaded and installed separately (the wsml2reasoner front end is still integrated with the Studio). Check out the FAQfor details. alex_simov
update Repository Manager: 'Refresh' button supplied for clearing the cached data and retrieving the actual content of the current repository. alex_simov
fix WebService/Goal Editor: context menu for Interfaces management panel unified with the corresponding actions in the WSMO Navigator. Fixes 1459994. alex_simov
fix Attribute Editor: cardinality constraining fields were too small to reveal their content. Fixes 1459987. alex_simov
fix New WSMO wizards: the initial appearance of the logo on the top of the first pages was not sized properly. Fixes 1459984. alex_simov
fix Chore ography Editor: update rules' content was not shown correctly in the editors' text input fields. alex_simov

Release 0.3.6 - 09-Mar-2006

update WebService/Goal Editor: multiple interfaces support added in the UI. The management is realized by context menu actions. alex_simov
add Repository perspective: new extension point " org.wsmostudio.repository.actions " created, allowing adding custom actions for certain repositories in the Repositories Explorer view. The specification schema of the point can be found at: alex_simov
fix Eclipse's Resource Navigator view refresh is forced when error/warning markers change. Previously, such changes were not reflected on time, putting the user to confusion. alex_simov
fix The WSML validator was not used properly which produced reporting irrelevant errors and warnings. Fixes 1426318. alex_simov
fix WSMO Navigator: Objects (entities) without dedicated editors, having custom edit actions were not opened on mouse double-click in the tree representation. Fixes 1428325. alex_simov
fix Choreography rule editors: namespace definitions specified in the context interface were not used in the rule editors, resulting in showing full IRIs instead of abbreviated (sQName) identifiers and conversely short names were rejected in favor of full IRIs. Fixes 1426200. alex_simov
fix Choreography Editor: quantified variables for rules forAlland choosewere lost during rule updating. Fixes 1431322. alex_simov
fix Axiom Editor: the context namespaces definitions were not detected while parsing logical expressions. As a result valid expressions were rejected. Fixes 1426182. alex_simov
fix WSMO Navigator: instances without super concepts were not visualized in the navigator view. alex_simov
fix New WSMO Navigator context menu actions added, others renamed as follows:
  • Add Conceptfor Concepts renamed to Add Sub Concept;
  • Add Relationfor Relations renamed to Add Sub Relation;
  • Add Instanceadded for Ontology objects;
  • Add Conceptadded for Instances;
  • Add Super Conceptadded for Concepts;
  • Add Super Relationadded for Relations;
Fixes 1423249.
fix Choreography Editor: Rules editor field content was not cleaned after the rule is removed. Fixes 1428266. alex_simov
add WSMO projects have a default namespace property which facilitates new entities creation. The default namespace (if supplied) is offered in the New wsmo wizards. This property can be set on project creation or for existing projects with the context menu action " Set Default Namespace " . Fixes 1423241. alex_simov
fix New Choreography Dialog: the initial focus is set to the Choreography ID field (the first input component). Fixes 1423225. alex_simov
fix The Axiom Editor did not manage to process valid input axiom expressions (a problem related to WsmoFactory implementation). alex_simov

Release 0.3.5 - 03-Feb-2006

add A WSML 2 Reasoneradapter has been added as a separate plug-in in the WSMO Studio. The users can check ontologies consistency by using the context menu on an ontology node in the WSMO Navigator. alex_simov
fix UI fix: identifier input dialog checked incorrectly the user input and as a result correct inputs are rejected. Fixes 1418557. alex_simov
fix New Entity wizards extended to check for resource duplications. Previously, the old resources were damaged/erased. Fixes 1418750. alex_simov
update WSMO Text Editor: text styles (bold, italics) for all elements are now fully user adjustable via preference pages. alex_simov
fix WSMO Text Editor: Tokens within other tokens were incorrectly highlighted. Fixes 1408329. alex_simov
fix UI fix: identifier labels were set to empty strings when full identifiers end with a hash sign (f.e. alex_simov
fix Repository manager: new entities not created correctly in the active repository. The user supplied identifier for a new entity was lost and the whole operation failed. alex_simov
update WSMO Text Editor: single line comments (prefixed with '//') highlighting added. alex_simov
fix IO bugfix: external for the workspace resources not updated correctly. alex_simov

Release 0.3.4 - 23-Jan-2006

fix Incorrect IRI serialization in WSML file (WSMO4J issue). Absolute IRIs were saved as sQNames (where appropriate) without escaping certain not allowed characters. Fixes 1408301. vassil_momtchev
add WSMO Navigator: two new actions introduced in the context menu for removing choreography/orchestration references. alex_simov
fix The Repository manager dialog did not respond with error message when an invalid IRI was supplied for a new entity in the repository. As a result no action is performed. alex_simov
fix Interface Editor: choreography/orchestration references fields did not handle correctly changes performed by the user (faulty UI models integration). alex_simov
fix The Concept editor did not responded with error message when an invalid IRI was supplied for a new attribute. As a result no action is performed (Similar fix done in the NonFunctionalProperties editor). Fixes 1410721. alex_simov
update Choreography UI: new Choreography objects are created with a new specialized identifiers input dialog (replacing the sequence of separate identifier input dialogs) alex_simov

Release 0.3.3 - 19-Jan-2006

fix WSMO Studio Runtime cache scanner did not work properly and as a result the user did not get a consistent state of the workspace resources. alex_simov
fix UI fix: the Namespaces panel of all WSMO editors did not responded correctly on user interaction. alex_simov
fix The WSMO Navigator did not visualize concepts and relations which have super types defined in external locations. alex_simov
fix The runtime libraries of the ORDI Adapter plugin were not up-to-date with the latest WSMO4J plugin versions. Fixes 1408983. alex_simov

Release 0.3.2 - 10-Jan-2006

fix Plug-in dependencies are now correct (incl. plug-in version). vassil_momtchev
add WSMO Visualiserplug-in (part of the Web Services Modeling Toolkit (WSMT)) adapted to the latest WSMO Studio release (0.3.x). Note that because of licence incompatibilities, the plug-in is notincluded in the standalone distribution and is available only through the update site, or the SourceForge distribution. Check out the FAQ pagefor installation instructions. alex_simov
add On WSML parse failure in the WSMO Editor Launcher, the problematic file is opened in a plain text editor with indication of the problem location. alex_simov
update Choreography Rules editor: Available context menu actions made more precise depending on the current selection in the Rules management panel. alex_simov
update WSMO Text editor: syntax highlighting extended by adding text styles: Bold, Italics (besides coloring). alex_simov

Release 0.3.1 - 21-Dec-2005

add Editor for WSMO choreographies(beta version) alex_simov
add Import/Export to the XML representation of WSMLnow available in W SMO Studio. alex_simov
fix WSMO Studio Runtime cache scanner did not detect default namespace definitions properly and thus produced invalid identifiers. alex_simov

Release 0.3.0 - 07-Dec-2005

add A WSML Validator from wsmo4j was added. Validation is now performed when saving/opening documents. alex_simov
add A local WsmoRepository based on Sesameis integrtaed with WSMO Studio. The repository implementation is part of the ORDIframework (distributed with WSMO Studio). alex_simov
add Drag-and-Drop support added from the Resource Navigator to the Repository Editor. alex_simov
add New import from a subset of OWL-DL availbale. The implementation uses a wizard component to select a source file from the local storage space and to store it in a certain location in the workspace in WSML format. alex_simov
update Extension point org.wsmostudio.repository.Repositoryextended with improved repository management, plus UI decoration support. Backwards compatibility preserved. alex_simov
fix Fixed bug where adding resource markers to an IResource resulted in the entire WSMOCache being reinitialised. Now the cache is only reinitialised if a document is added, removed, moved or the contents of the resource changes. morcen
add Load-on-demand functionality added for different WSMO entity choosers. For example, an ontology definition is not loaded as long as it is not necessary. alex_simov
fix The text fields for logical expressions did not wrap longer text lines which made their usage inconvenient. Fixes 1365441. alex_simov
add Drag and Drop support added from the WSMO Navigator to related (mainly ontology) editors. Fixes 1338597. alex_simov
update Extension point org.wsmostudio.ui.editorsupdated with UI models support. These models enable changes notification between different views and editors. Extending plug-ins can supply custom models to facilitate the notification mechanism. alex_simov
fix WSMO Studio's runtime cache was unable to process some of the workspace wsml files. Fixes 1348200. vassil_momtchev
fix The usage of more than one TopEntity editors simultaneously for a certain object instance caused the studio's runtime crash when performing save operation. Fixes 1347014. alex_simov
update Extension point org.wsmostudio.ui.navigator_contentenriched with action definitions. Extending plug-ins can supply custom actions for specific WSMO objects in the WSMO Navigator. alex_simov
update Common shortcuts/hotkeys enabled for the WSMO editors. Fixes 1340591. alex_simov
add Ctrl+S (Save) shortcut enabled for WSMO Text Editor. The other common shortcuts are working properly. Fixes 1340591. alex_simov
fix Fix in the underlying wsmo4j parser. Fixes 1338624. vassil_momtchev

Release 0.2.2 - 14-Oct-2005

add New extension po int introduced ( org.wsmostudio.ui.navigator_content) for the WSMO Navigator view. The new extensible functionality allows third parties to manipulate the view's tree structure in two ways: hiding navigator's content (by defining filters) and adding new content (WSMO) entities. alex_simov
fix Attribute editor did not save its content correctly and thus it broke the inverseOf relation. Fixes 1326585. alex_simov
fix A recursive visualization in attribute values view appeared when the editted instance is set as a value of its attribute. The problem is fixed. Fixes 1314010. alex_simov

Release 0.2.1 - 27-Sep-2005

update NonFunctionalProperties GUI support improved. alex_simov
add New specialized Identifier input UI component added. alex_simov
add WSML variants support added in TopEntity editors and in 'new' wizards. alex_simov

Release 0.2.0 - 10-Sep-2005

update WSMO Studio migrated to Java 1.5 code compatibility. The last Java 1.4.x compatible source code is tagged with 'v(pre)_0_1_7_last_java_1_4_comp' in the CVS repository. alex_simov
fix The removal of concepts invalidated the model - instances with no other parent concepts are automatically removed now. Fixes 1280455. alex_simov
fix The more specific typecast to WSMOEditorInput was unnecessary. Fixes 1280465. alex_simov
update The notification mechanism for model changes is now improved. Fixes 1280458. alex_simov

Release 0.1.6 - 12-Aug-2005

add New extension point ( org.wsmostudio.runtime.wsmoimpl) introduced, allowing third parties to 'plug-in' custom wsmo-api implementations. alex_simov
update A notification mechanism for changes created allowing WSMO editors to update their content when the underlying data model is changed by an external agent (usually another WSMO editor). alex_simov

Release 0.1.5 - 01-Aug-2005

update Short javadoc class descriptions + CVS commit log footer added. alex_simov
fix The "Save as" option for the WSML text editor now works correctly (previously it failed with NullPointerException). Fixes 1245045. alex_simov
add Syntax coloring preference page added. alex_simov
add Plain WSML text editor added with syntax coloring. alex_simov

Release 0.1.4 - 14-Jul-2005

update Eclipse update site added alex_simov
add A preference page "WSMO Studio" added to Eclipse's global preferences (accessible through menu: Window/Preferences...). A subpage "Preferred Editors" added to enable users to determine which registered editor to be used for certain WSMO types. alex_simov
update Editors extension point refined. Now many editors can register for certain WSMO object types. alex_simov
add Added logging functionality - all errors/warnings now appear in the Eclipse's log file. Third parties can subscribe t heir own log events listeners to the Studio's runtime. alex_simov

Release 0.1.3 - 11-Jul-2005

fix Attribute Editor did not load input attribute's properties correctly. alex_simov
update WSMO Studio is now compatible with Eclipse 3.1 alex_simov
update Default repository extenstion renamed to "Default WSMO Studio Repository". alex_simov

Release 0.1.2 - 08-Jul-2005

fix Attributes area in the Concept editor showed incorrectly recursive definitions (i.e. concept A has attribute B of type A) alex_simov
update Concept/Instance editor supports DataTypes/DataValues. alex_simov
update UI environment follows the changes in the WSMO API (see wsmo4j project). alex_simov
fix UI dialogs did not appear in proper size/location on the screen. alex_simov
fix UI problem fixed (unable previously to remove Concepts, Relations, Instances and Relation Instances from WSMO Navigator) Fixes 1229066. alex_simov

Release 0.1.1 - 28-Jun-2005

fix Fix in the Axiom Editor in the WSMO plug-in (logical expressions were not visualized correctly) Fixes 1228846. alex_simov
fix Fix in the Repository plug-in (repositories were not removed from the Repository Explorer) Fixes 1226869. alex_simov